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About God vs. About Me

Jennifer Townsend

I’ll never forget the words shared by a friend who was going through a divorce and not only lost a partner but all her friends as well. She told me, “when I had nothing left, I realized God was all I ever needed.”

We seek God when we need something.

Faith often starts out being about ourselves; I know mine did. I reached out to God when I needed help and could not fix things myself. However, the more time I spent with God, the more time I wanted to spend.

I learned God is so much more than what He provides. Time with God brought fulfillment of the richest kind. I experienced first-hand the truth of Psalm 84:10—“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.”

God beckons us to pay attention to His unexpected ways and live differently. His truth breaks through our thinking and opens our eyes to a bigger perspective. When we turn to God not only in crisis but also in everyday living, our lives take on a greater purpose.

Our relationship with God determines our relationship with everything else. It brings new meaning to our lives. When we prioritize God, we can experience peace, regardless of what we face, knowing God’s love is unfailing and His plans are good.



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