Do I read the Bible and let it change my thinking, or do I use it to validate how I think?
When I worked in advertising, we had a research group to test campaigns before launching them on television and print. Working with that group, I learned that most research validates what we want to do versus deciding on the right course of action.
We seem to shy away from the truth if it doesn’t tell us what we want to hear. However, it is the very thing we need to make wise decisions and move forward.
There are so few ways to find truth in the world, which is why the Bible is so valuable. John 17: 17 says, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”
God changes us when we read His Word with a teachable mind; otherwise, we simply impose our biases and labels on the words we read. When God’s truth speaks to us, it broadens our thinking and helps us make wise choices.