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Church at Home

Jennifer Townsend

When my kids were young, going to church was an important thing we did together, but sometimes it was hard. On those hard days, I would offer them the option of "church at home."

Church at home became the crowd favorite (at first because it was easier, but then because it was personal). In those sleepy mornings, we grew closer as we sat at the dining room table and shared the hard stuff going on in our lives. And when we applied scripture to what we were facing, it changed things. Our faith grew as we saw God working in each other's lives. The Bible is transformational when it gets personal as we apply it to our lives.

The Bible is applied learning, and doing it together creates a powerful connection with others. My son's high school mentor told me what that time meant to my son and His faith. Going to church is important, but so is having a small faith-filled community to do life with.

God is always holding our hands through each other and holding us up through whatever comes our way.

I want these Monday devotionals to do that, to help us to choose God together.

I pray these simple stories will encourage you to meditate on God's Word and let it change how you make decisions. I hope it will prompt you to read God's Word more fervently and find yourself in its pages bringing relentless hope to your lives.

Please pass these along to friends and family, and together let's spread the Good News.



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© 2020 Jennifer Townsend. All rights reserved.

Created by Bella Townsend.

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