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Gentle Power vs. Harshness

Jennifer Townsend

My gentle friends have a secret power to influence others and affect change with no apparent agenda other than to love others well. People are drawn to them by their genuine care.

They disarm people, and instead of trying to impress, they empower. They avoid puffing themselves up; they don’t want others to feel small. They are careful to use their words to build others up and know just the right thing to make someone feel noticed and important. They don’t use flattery but speak the truth in love.

This secret power of gentleness comes from their faith in Christ and the way He has poured into their lives through His gentle spirit. Matthew 11:29 says, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul.”

Jesus shows us the power of gentleness as no one has affected the world more than Him. History is filled with harsh leaders that trample over each other and ultimately come to ruin, but Jesus shows us the lasting power of gentleness.

Jesus spoke the truth in love because He cared about helping people. He was not harsh, but through gentleness, He drew people in and changed lives. He does not force people to change but gives them room to decide for themselves.

My heart is at home with Jesus, where I am free to be myself. Christ’s gentle spirit allows me to open to Him and evolve. When we are treated harshly and judged, we tend to shrink back and stay stuck in our circumstances, unable to change. Gentleness, not harshness, brings out the best in us.

Gentleness is not about fragility or being passive; it’s about honesty that comes from a heart that cares and wants the best for others. It unifies people and is a more effective way of getting things done.

Right now, I’m practicing gentleness by holding back my opinions and listening more to what matters to others.

How do you practice gentleness? Please share your ideas here, and together let’s spread the power of being gentle.



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