God changes us little by little as we invite Him to disrupt our usual ways of doing things and follow His better way. The goal is not perfection, we are all a work-in-progress, but we can change one day at a time as we ask ourselves, “what would Jesus do” and follow accordingly.
Whether it be a New Year’s resolution to take charge of our health or a more lofty goal of living with more purpose and love, our goals are achieved little by little as we just focus on doing the next right thing. It’s too much pressure if we think we have to accomplish it all at once; it becomes manageable when we break it down.
Today, I will choose to honor instead of criticize, assume best intentions instead of being easily offended, and be kind over being right. To not just read God’s Word but to apply it to my life and let it change my thinking.
God promises us in Galatians 6:9, “Not to become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”