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Morning Practice vs. Forgetting to Pause

Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do.”

Do you have a daily practice? Research has shown that a everyday routine improves mental health, reduces anxiety, and supports cognitive function and creativity.

I look forward to my morning routine before the world gets up. It is often my most effective and enjoyable part of the day.

Early mornings are when I spend uninterrupted time with God, reflecting on His goodness, reading His Words of Hope, and emptying my concerns into His capable hands. Getting up with God opens my eyes to remarkable beauty, like this sunrise at Joshua Tree. It gives me strength for the day ahead and anchors my mind on what is most important. God often speaks to me when I take the time to be still.

It’s hard to receive from God when I don’t take time to reflect.

James 4:8 says, “Come near to God, and He will come near to you.” What a remarkable promise and an excellent way to start the day.



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