Forgetting where I placed my keys, or worse yet my phone, can cause a lot of anxiety especially if I need to get somewhere in a hurry. How will I get ahold of my someone at the airport if I don’t have my phone and worse yet how will I even get there?
Anxiety seems to go hand in hand with forgetfulness.
This is even more true when it comes to my relationship with God.
When I am faced with the unfaceable I sometimes forget. Forget the amazing ways God has helped me in the past. This kind of forgetfulness not only leads to anxiety but can also lead to despair.
When we forget God’s faithfulness it tarnishes how we see God. We can be overcome by our problems instead of overcoming them. Remembering disrupts what we focus on. Instead of perseverating on our problems we fix our eyes on a big God. We remember how He has helped us in the past, and that gives us faith for the future.
Remembering makes us grateful instead of always wanting more. When I count my blessings, I change my vision to how God provides instead of forgetting His faithfulness. Gratitude is a practice that brings contentment because we see God working in our lives. When we look back, we gain hope and the strength to move forward.
How has God helped you in the past? What helps you to remember His faithfulness?