I used to think our strengths qualify us to do great things, but I now realize it is usually the opposite. It is often in our weakness that we find our strength and purpose. The very thing that hurt us, God uses to help other people. And we all need help sometimes.
When we give God our weakness, He qualifies us. Like Christine Caine, an international activist, evangelist, and author says, “What should have disqualified us qualifies us.” The Bible is filled with unlikely characters who did extraordinary things, not because they were great, but because they followed a great God.
You can see evidence of this all around. People helping others overcome the same afflictions they faced. Homeless people who provide shelters and support, addicts who offer help for addiction, orphans who fund orphanages, and minorities forming powerful advocacy groups that ignite change and retribution for the oppressed. How has God used your pain to help others?